My story
My name is Marcela Brožová and I have been playing the ukulele for 13 years. I have sung and played music since early childhood but only came across the ukulele during university in Pilsen. I graduated in music teaching and the Czech language.
As a singer I have gone through many genres that embellish my play on the ukulele both during concerts and when I teach.
I love jazz and latin music and these genres are the main part of my concert repertoire.
I teach individualy or in groups, mainly in and around Prague and I also teach in one day and longer courses in various locations around the Czech republic and abroad. I specialise in the combination of ukulele with guitar, ukulele and singing or group play for players of different levels which I treat as a small band.
I regularly collaborate with the Czech Ukulele Festival and the Czech Ukulele Institute for which I lead beginners workshops. In the framework of these institutions I am constantly learing from such world luminaries as James Hill, Kimo Hussey, Peter Moss, Ukulelezaza and Andy Eastwood amongst others. I also contributed to the Czech text book for the ukulele "Ukulele krok za krokem" Ukulele step by step (2016) by Ben Anderson.
In May 2022 I appeared on Slovak TV JOJ (show Inkognito).
In August 2023 is accepted an invitation to appear on TV show Weekend breakfast at TV NOVA.